4 Simple reasons to have a winter exercise plan.

You must have a winter exercise plan to stay in shape in the winter months.Since we’re in the thick of the winter season, I’m wondering how many of you have a winter exercise plan in place? One of my friends recently confessed to me that she gained back quite a bit of weight because she went into winter without a plan for exercise after she had been biking outside all summer. This is a common oversight. But it’s also one that’s easily solved.

It’s very motivating to get outside for so many activities in the sunny, warmer months. But there seems to be this prevailing attitude, at least in the northern states, to hibernate inside as soon as it gets cold. And being inside is fine as long as you have a plan for how to keep moving. If you don’t, you should plan on eating less. And that’s hard!

So today, I want to give you some ideas on what you can do for exercise indoors in the winter that will make those months more interesting and fun. But I also want to explain how exercising outdoors in the winter can be even more beneficial than you think.

Why do you need a winter exercise plan?

There are several really important reasons why you need a plan for exercising in the cold of winter.

    1. You want to either maintain or keep losing weight.
    2. Exercise improves your mood, which is especially important in the winter.
    3. Your immune system needs a boost to help fight off viruses.
    4. It’s important to get more natural light and Vitamin D.

I think the most obvious reason to have a winter exercise plan is to maintain the weight you came out of summer with. If you suddenly become sedentary for 6 months you’ll end up right back where you were last spring…starting over again with the weight loss efforts. That’s frustrating and discouraging!

One study showed that on average most people only gain about 1-2lbs over the winter. Well, that doesn’t seem so bad! But…if you do that every year and don’t work it off in the summer (like most people) then in just 20 years you’ll be 20-40lbs overweight. It kind of makes more sense to just keep working out so you keep the weight off in the first place!

Of course, we don’t always do what makes sense. But there are ways to help motivate yourself to keep up the exercise all winter so you can either maintain your weight or lose it if you’re really good. Those are both better options than yo-yoing every six months.

Besides that, it’s much harder once you’ve quit moving to try to get back in the habit again later on. It’s easier to keep it up and get all the other benefits that come from regular exercise!

Related article: How to lose weight without starving yourself.

Make indoor exercise more fun in the winter

People often don’t know what to do for exercise indoors all winter but there are so many choices. You just have to be creative and think of it as a hobby instead of a chore!

Invest in a machine

For starters, you could invest in a machine like a treadmill, an elliptical, a stationary bike, or a stair-stepper. This may be your only choice if you live in a rural area where there are no gyms. However, if you do this then take my next piece of advice seriously.

It is absolutely necessary to make sure the machine you buy is set up near a TV and a stereo but also in an attractive space. I can’t stress this enough! You won’t be motivated to work out just because you have the machine! You need to put some effort into the whole experience of it.

For tips on making your home more motivating for working out read my blog: Essentials for an inspiring home gym.

Then you need to make using that machine a daily habit. Try to do it at the same time every day so it’s built into your schedule.  You could exercise while you watch your favorite tv show. But most importantly, do it whether you feel like it or not! If you wait to feel like it, you’ll never do it. Trust me on this!

Try a group exercise class

Another great option for indoor winter exercise is to sign up for some classes at a local gym or senior center and try something new. I think this is an especially good idea for new exercisers. There are so many fun classes to try and you might even make some new friends.

Just make sure you stick with a class for at least 4 weeks to really know whether or not you like it. Sometimes it takes getting used to something and seeing improvements before you start to enjoy it.

Exercise alone has been shown to improve mood, but exercising with others makes it even more fun and that helps with long-term motivation. Besides, it gets you out of the house occasionally!

Here are some fun group class ideas I want you to consider:

    • Try a form of exercise you haven’t tried before like yoga, pilates, zumba (dance), or a body pump (strength) class.
    • Sign up for a martial arts class and learn to protect yourself too.
    • If there’s a pool in your area see if they have water aerobics or take swimming lessons to learn to swim like a pro.
    • Take a dance class at a dance studio – you might find you love ballet or tap!
    • Most senior centers offer fun exercise classes geared toward older adults.
    • The local YMCA has plenty to offer people of all ages.
    • Tai Chi and Qi Gong are great for flexibility, balance and stress reduction.

Find ways to make exercise more fun and it won’t seem like exercise! It’ll also be more motivating than working out by yourself. Need a Christmas gift idea for yourself? Ask for a gift certificate for a gym membership, or money to put toward one!

I gave my husband the money one Christmas to get a gym membership. He wasn’t too thrilled about it at the time but he ended up loving his new gym and all the friendships he made! He even ended up becoming an instructor!

Enjoy your own at-home class

If you’re not into group classes or they’re not an option in your area then buy some DVDs to use in the privacy of your own home. I’ve even found these in second-hand stores! Now there are also plenty of apps or websites that offer exercise classes of all types.

You can also find some great free workout videos on Youtube taught by all kinds of different personalities to suit your style. There really is something for everyone if you take the time to look. I do this myself every now and then to do something new and get some more variety in my workouts.

Learning a new exercise style at home might also give you more confidence to take a class with others later on. No one likes to be the “new person” struggling to learn all the moves. Online classes give you a headstart.

And here’s an added bonus. Every time you try something new, your brain forms new neural pathways that help it grow! So exercise can help your brain health too.

Related article: 6 Easy core exercises you can do at home.

The benefits of outdoor exercise in the winter

If you’re healthy, I really want to encourage you to try exercising outdoors this winter. Yes, even though it’s cold out! We spend enough time being cooped up inside for months on end. It just takes being prepared with the right clothing to make it a good experience. And there are benefits to exercising in the cold that you may not even realize!

Improving your mood

One of those benefits is getting more natural light. Winter days are shorter and some people struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka SAD. This is a type of depression that many people experience due to less daylight. Both exercise and light therapy are recommended for treating SAD so combining the two is a great idea.

Here’s something else to consider. SAD affects the choices you make throughout your day and can lead to weight gain. In other words, when you’re feeling lousy you may very well end up reaching for junk food or drinks to lift your spirits. If you eat right in the first place, you’ll feel better and have more energy for exercise, which also makes you feel better!

Related article: How mood affects food choices (and what to do about it).

Depending on where you live you may even get a boost of Vitamin D by exercising outdoors. The farther away you are from the equator the harder it is to get Vitamin D in the winter. Insufficient D is associated with illness and depression. It’s smart to have your levels checked to be sure you don’t also need a supplement. Most of us northerners do need supplements.

Related article: How important is Vitamin D anyway?

Burning more calories

Another benefit of exercising outdoors in the cold of winter is that you burn more calories. Your body needs more energy to keep you warm and that energy comes from calories. However, if you have asthma, any lung diseases, or heart disease, be sure to talk to your doctor first about outdoor exercise in the winter. These problems can be exacerbated by the cold air.

Boosting your immune system

Exercise is known to help give your immune system a boost. One PubMed article states that “the practice of physical activities strengthens the immune system, suggesting a benefit in the response to viral communicable diseases”. This is especially important these days while we’re dealing with Covid-19.

The other benefit of exercising outdoors in the winter is that you get yourself away from inhaling the germs that are circulating around indoors. Research has shown that low temps and humidity can cause viruses to stay in the air longer and spread more easily. So you might also want to invest in a humidifier for your home.

There are fun outdoor winter exercise options!

So what can you do in the winter months other than just walk outside? Well, first of all, walking outside is a really good idea! But being from the midwest I know it isn’t always pleasant when the wind is howling and making the temps seem worse than they are. But on calmer days, a walk outside is easy to do if you’ve got the right gear.

If you want a better workout, then try walking after a recent snowfall for a more intense walk. I often do this in the fields around our house. I put on my snow pants and big boots and go tromping out there for 20-30 minutes. It’s also really beautiful so I bring my camera along and take pictures!

If you live in town and want to make sure you can walk safely then I would recommend getting a pair of Yaktrax Spikes or something similar. They go on the bottoms of your shoes so you won’t slip and fall. This is super important as we’re aging and may have osteoporosis to worry about. But they also allow you to take hikes on the same trails you use in the summer.

Some other great winter exercise ideas are snowshoeing, cross-country skiing or downhill skiing. My husband and I got “Weekend Warrior” passes one year for a local ski resort and were both amazed at how much we improved over one season! We only went 4 or 5 times but our noticeable improvement helped us to enjoy it so much more.

You can even join your kids or grandkids for some downhill sledding! Even though you may not do these activities often, it gives you a focus and more motivation to keep in shape for them.

Dress right for outdoor winter exercise

Dressing right for winter exercise in the cold is really important! For starters, you need to dress in layers. Be sure to wear undergarments against your skin that wick away moisture because you’ll likely work up a sweat.  I have this Under Armour compression mock because it’s warm and dries quickly.

On top of that, you can add a light fleece jacket or sweatshirt and a vest if need be. I find that it’s always better to have a couple of different long-sleeved tops plus a vest just to keep my core warmer. Having a little air in-between each layer is what works best for insulating. I also recommend zip-up tops so you can easily let in a little air when you want to.

Of course, you have to have something on your legs to keep you warmer too when you’re out. So these Under Armour Coldgear leggings are a great match for the mock. I recently went out for a walk on a windy day and these leggings helped a lot! Over these, you can wear a slightly looser pair of sweats appropriate for the weather you’re in.

My other recommendation for being prepared for outdoor exercise is to wear either a hat or earmuffs and gloves. Sometimes I forget one or the other of these and I usually regret it! That wind can be brutal!

Any of these items would be great gifts to ask for to help get you started on enjoying some outdoor winter exercise!

My final thoughts

Having a winter exercise plan is important so you stay in the habit of being active. I’ve learned that being consistent with exercise and good eating habits helps keep me motivated  “Taking a break” for a while makes you want to give it up forever! It’s too easy to get lulled into inactivity.

I just want you to know that you’ll get so much more out of exercising over the winter than just weight control. You’ll get stronger, happier, healthier and maybe even more social! These are all things that improve your quality of life and extend your life!

Not only that but there’s usually less going on in the winter so an exercise plan is easier to schedule now than in the summer! Take advantage of that.  And try to give yourself a variety of exercise options to keep it interesting.

Engaging in different activities helps us to use our bodies in different ways so we use more muscles. If you have kids or grandkids take them out and join them for physical activities. Just don’t sit on the couch all winter then start scrambling before summer to get back in shape again! You’ll thank me later.

Tell me in the comments below what you enjoy for winter exercising. I would love to know what motivates you to get moving when it’s cold.

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