Get beautiful, toned arms with this basic workout.

It only takes a basic workout to get toned arms.

Most women I’ve met want beautiful, toned arms. And I’m here to tell you there’s no secret to getting them. It just takes engaging in a short, basic workout on a regular basis with the help of a few weights or bands. My goal is to make it as simple as possible for you to get those toned arms in the comfort of your own home with very little equipment and time. Continue reading “Get beautiful, toned arms with this basic workout.”

4 Simple reasons to have a winter exercise plan.

You must have a winter exercise plan to stay in shape in the winter months.Since we’re in the thick of the winter season, I’m wondering how many of you have a winter exercise plan in place? One of my friends recently confessed to me that she gained back quite a bit of weight because she went into winter without a plan for exercise after she had been biking outside all summer. This is a common oversight. But it’s also one that’s easily solved.

Continue reading “4 Simple reasons to have a winter exercise plan.”

Understanding target heart rate zones

Working out in certain target heart rate zones will help you achieve more.One of my goals as a personal trainer and health coach is to help people get motivated to improve their health. Because getting motivated is often the most difficult part, you need to use as many strategies as possible to help yourself. One way is by understanding target heart rate zones so you can work out more effectively. And to do this, you need a heart rate monitor. Continue reading “Understanding target heart rate zones”

Calcium and Magnesium: How they work together

Almonds are a good source of calcium and magnesium
Almonds are a good source of calcium and magnesium!

Just like getting enough vitamins in our diets we also need minerals to make sure our bodies work right. Calcium is one of the minerals we hear about all the time but we don’t hear as much about magnesium. These two minerals work together and help us in many of the same ways. But if we don’t have enough magnesium the calcium doesn’t do us much good. Continue reading “Calcium and Magnesium: How they work together”

Hiking vs walking: how you can benefit from both.

hiking vs walking; both are good but hiking is a step aboveMoving our bodies is important. And the way we move them is even more important for our long-term health. The more variety we give our bodies, the more we challenge them by using different muscles. And more muscle is what we all need for better health!

I started out as a walker years ago but am now much more of a hiker for several reasons. So today I want to tell you about the differences between hiking vs walking and how you can benefit from both activities. Continue reading “Hiking vs walking: how you can benefit from both.”

How to exercise at work (so you can do other things at home!)

sitting at workDesk jobs are not known to be good for our health. Too much sitting combined with a calorie-rich, nutrient-poor diet is making us sicker with each decade. And the number one excuse for not exercising is “not enough time”. We all know we need to move more but how do we do it with such busy lives? Well, we can exercise at work for starters!

Continue reading “How to exercise at work (so you can do other things at home!)”

Can you lose weight with exercise alone?

exercise accessories for working out and losing weightGood question! As a personal trainer and health coach, I specialize in working with women over 40. Like me! And so far they’ve all come to me because they want to lose weight with exercise. This isn’t surprising considering the fact that over 73% of Americans are now overweight or obese. But how hard is it to lose weight with exercise alone? Let me tell you about that. Continue reading “Can you lose weight with exercise alone?”