Like food, people are always confused about what they should drink for better health and weight control. It’s not hard to see why it’s so confusing either. There’s so much conflicting information out there to sort through, how do you know who to trust? Continue reading “What to drink (and not drink) for better health”
Essentials for an inspiring home gym
Today I’m giving you my essentials for creating an inspiring home gym that you’ll actually want to work out in. This is important because working out at home is a great way to stay in shape and save time. But you have to have the right space for it if you want it to be motivating. And let’s be honest, we need all the motivation we can get to exercise, right?! Continue reading “Essentials for an inspiring home gym”
Why you need a SMART health goal
A SMART health goal is one that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Why do these things matter? Reaching any goal is like planning a trip; you have to know your destination in order to know what path to take to get there. And you really have to want to end up there! These things all help with motivation to reach your goal. Continue reading “Why you need a SMART health goal”
The importance of knowing your “why”

You want to lose weight and “get healthy” but do you understand the importance of knowing your “why” for wanting those things? I know it seems like an obvious question but it’s one you need to be able to answer with great clarity and insight. Because knowing your why is what will help sustain you through all the hard work ahead. Continue reading “The importance of knowing your “why””
6 Easy core exercises you can do at home
The core of our body is its foundation. Just like the foundation of a house, it’s what holds it all together. For that reason, I think it’s the most important area to strengthen right away. So I’ve come up with 6 easy core exercises you can do at home with (or without) a stability ball for variety.
10 motivational tools to maintain weight loss and health
If you want to lose weight and get healthy then you have to adopt new behaviors in order to do that. But that’s just one part of the puzzle. You also need motivational tools to maintain that weight loss and health long-term. That’s obviously the harder part since most people who lose weight end up gaining it all back.
Continue reading “10 motivational tools to maintain weight loss and health”
How to exercise at work (so you can do other things at home!)
Desk jobs are not known to be good for our health. Too much sitting combined with a calorie-rich, nutrient-poor diet is making us sicker with each decade. And the number one excuse for not exercising is “not enough time”. We all know we need to move more but how do we do it with such busy lives? Well, we can exercise at work for starters!
Continue reading “How to exercise at work (so you can do other things at home!)”
Can you lose weight with exercise alone?
Good question! As a personal trainer and health coach, I specialize in working with women over 40. Like me! And so far they’ve all come to me because they want to lose weight with exercise. This isn’t surprising considering the fact that over 73% of Americans are now overweight or obese. But how hard is it to lose weight with exercise alone? Let me tell you about that. Continue reading “Can you lose weight with exercise alone?”
How to lose weight on a plant-based diet.
How do you lose weight without actually dieting? In my experience, you do it by eating a whole food plant-based diet. Sadly, more than 70% of Americans are now either overweight or obese so weight loss remains a hot topic. I am not a fan of diets! I have never been on one and don’t ever plan to be for any reason. And I don’t believe you need to be either. You can lose weight naturally. Continue reading “How to lose weight on a plant-based diet.”
How to set up a balanced workout program
Any good workout program should include three elements: cardio, strength training, and stretching. I’ve already talked about why each one is important in previous posts. But it can be confusing to know how to put them all together into a fully balanced workout program for the week so you get results. Continue reading “How to set up a balanced workout program”