What does it mean to “eat healthy”?

Simple guidelines for how to "eat healthy"We’re right in the middle of the holiday season, about two weeks before Christmas. That means that this is a time of consuming more sugar and other high-calorie and unhealthy foods. So I thought this was a good time to talk about what it means to “eat healthy”.

Before I go on, I want to say that I’m not expecting any of you to want to eat only healthy foods around the holidays, or ever! I know that’s not realistic. But if you can get a general idea of what’s “healthy” and what’s not, then it’s easier to make better choices more often. Continue reading “What does it mean to “eat healthy”?”

Understanding target heart rate zones

Working out in certain target heart rate zones will help you achieve more.One of my goals as a personal trainer and health coach is to help people get motivated to improve their health. Because getting motivated is often the most difficult part, you need to use as many strategies as possible to help yourself. One way is by understanding target heart rate zones so you can work out more effectively. And to do this, you need a heart rate monitor. Continue reading “Understanding target heart rate zones”

Hiking vs walking: how you can benefit from both.

hiking vs walking; both are good but hiking is a step aboveMoving our bodies is important. And the way we move them is even more important for our long-term health. The more variety we give our bodies, the more we challenge them by using different muscles. And more muscle is what we all need for better health!

I started out as a walker years ago but am now much more of a hiker for several reasons. So today I want to tell you about the differences between hiking vs walking and how you can benefit from both activities. Continue reading “Hiking vs walking: how you can benefit from both.”

The importance of knowing your “why”

Knowing your "why" gives you motivation to stay healthy over time.
Me, loving the hiking I’m doing at Arches Nat’l Park!

You want to lose weight and “get healthy” but do you understand the importance of knowing your “why” for wanting those things? I know it seems like an obvious question but it’s one you need to be able to answer with great clarity and insight. Because knowing your why is what will help sustain you through all the hard work ahead. Continue reading “The importance of knowing your “why””

Tips to make exercise a habit for good.

It's easy to make exercise a habit by doing fun things.
Biking is one of my favorite physical activities.

I am proud to be a regular exerciser, but it didn’t happen overnight. In fact, it took me years to get into the habit of being consistent with it even though I was always active. But one of the first things I realized about exercising was that if I waited to feel like it, it just wasn’t going to happen! So how did I get past that hurdle, and others, to make exercise a habit for good? Continue reading “Tips to make exercise a habit for good.”