How diet affects mental health

A plant-based diet will affect your mental and physical health in a positive way.When it comes to diet, some people (not all!) can admit that what we eat affects the physical health of our bodies. But there still seem to be many more people that don’t see how our diets can possibly affect our mental health. Yet there is more and more research connecting the two. It’s a two-way street between diet and mental health and I want to show you that you may have more control over how you feel than you think!  Continue reading “How diet affects mental health”

The importance of knowing your “why”

Knowing your "why" gives you motivation to stay healthy over time.
Me, loving the hiking I’m doing at Arches Nat’l Park!

You want to lose weight and “get healthy” but do you understand the importance of knowing your “why” for wanting those things? I know it seems like an obvious question but it’s one you need to be able to answer with great clarity and insight. Because knowing your why is what will help sustain you through all the hard work ahead. Continue reading “The importance of knowing your “why””