Understand BMI and how it relates to your health

The branches of a tree represent different aspects of our healthBMI is a tool that gives you an idea of the risk of your weight when compared to your height. You may have heard of it before, maybe even in your doctor’s office. But what does BMI mean for your health? I want to explain that today because I think it’s a helpful assessment when you’re starting an exercise program.  Just remember that one tool can’t tell the whole story. Continue reading “Understand BMI and how it relates to your health”

The importance of knowing your “why”

Knowing your "why" gives you motivation to stay healthy over time.
Me, loving the hiking I’m doing at Arches Nat’l Park!

You want to lose weight and “get healthy” but do you understand the importance of knowing your “why” for wanting those things? I know it seems like an obvious question but it’s one you need to be able to answer with great clarity and insight. Because knowing your why is what will help sustain you through all the hard work ahead. Continue reading “The importance of knowing your “why””

Find your motivation to exercise and don’t let age define you!

Hiking in Utah is great motivation to exercise
A nice view of a long hike we did in Arches Nat’l Park







In September of 2020, my husband and I took a hiking trip to Utah for our 25th anniversary. The main destinations were Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, but we visited lots of other places along the way. It was an amazing trip and taught me a lot about motivation to exercise! So that’s what I want to share with you in this post.  Continue reading “Find your motivation to exercise and don’t let age define you!”