How I maintain a healthy weight.

Hiking is a way that I maintain a healthy weight.Today I’m going in a different direction and writing about how I personally manage to maintain a healthy weight. Usually, I like to bring you information that I’ve come across over the years that will help you to live a healthier life. So I do a lot of research to make sure it’s scientific and not just my opinion. But sometimes it’s more helpful to hear about how other people do things. So I hope this can help you! Continue reading “How I maintain a healthy weight.”

Get beautiful, toned arms with this basic workout.

It only takes a basic workout to get toned arms.

Most women I’ve met want beautiful, toned arms. And I’m here to tell you there’s no secret to getting them. It just takes engaging in a short, basic workout on a regular basis with the help of a few weights or bands. My goal is to make it as simple as possible for you to get those toned arms in the comfort of your own home with very little equipment and time. Continue reading “Get beautiful, toned arms with this basic workout.”

How to lose weight without starving yourself.

Lose weight without starving yourself by eating more natural foods.As I follow discussions that take place among people trying to lose weight I’ve noticed a common theme. Many people resort to very low-calorie diets in order to go about it. And by that I mean they’re just counting calories in the foods they already eat and slashing how much of those foods they consume. This can help you to lose weight but not without feeling like you’re starving yourself to accomplish it. And that’s not exactly sustainable. Continue reading “How to lose weight without starving yourself.”

My 3 best strength exercises for a full-body workout.

plank positionMost women want to be in good shape and look their best but are mostly unsure about how to accomplish that. I want to make it simple by giving you my 3 best strength exercises for a full-body workout. These are easy for beginners but will help you to build some strength so you can progress to harder exercises. But they’re also great when you’re short on time! Continue reading “My 3 best strength exercises for a full-body workout.”

4 Simple reasons to have a winter exercise plan.

You must have a winter exercise plan to stay in shape in the winter months.Since we’re in the thick of the winter season, I’m wondering how many of you have a winter exercise plan in place? One of my friends recently confessed to me that she gained back quite a bit of weight because she went into winter without a plan for exercise after she had been biking outside all summer. This is a common oversight. But it’s also one that’s easily solved.

Continue reading “4 Simple reasons to have a winter exercise plan.”

Understand BMI and how it relates to your health

The branches of a tree represent different aspects of our healthBMI is a tool that gives you an idea of the risk of your weight when compared to your height. You may have heard of it before, maybe even in your doctor’s office. But what does BMI mean for your health? I want to explain that today because I think it’s a helpful assessment when you’re starting an exercise program.  Just remember that one tool can’t tell the whole story. Continue reading “Understand BMI and how it relates to your health”

Understanding target heart rate zones

Working out in certain target heart rate zones will help you achieve more.One of my goals as a personal trainer and health coach is to help people get motivated to improve their health. Because getting motivated is often the most difficult part, you need to use as many strategies as possible to help yourself. One way is by understanding target heart rate zones so you can work out more effectively. And to do this, you need a heart rate monitor. Continue reading “Understanding target heart rate zones”