Small Group Classes

Small group fitness classes can take place in my studio and include 2-3 friends working out together using the fitness accessories I have. Just choose the group of friends you want to work out with. Then choose a time that works for all of you and call me to schedule it.

To be clear, I do not offer classes during the day that people can just sign up or show up for. These small groups are just like my personal training sessions. You find your group, then we can set up a time that works for everyone together.

Benefits of group classes

If you’re a social person and don’t want to pay the higher price for personal training this is an excellent option! And it’s still much more personalized than large group classes that you find at the bigger gyms. I will still have the time to help each of you individually in these small groups.

Working out together can be much more motivating than working out alone! Not just because it’s more fun but also because you can help to keep each other accountable. So it may keep you committed to your fitness goals longer term!

Pricing & class times

The total cost for each 1-hour class in my studio is $60.00 and you will each prepay for 5 hrs total at our first meeting. Here is the breakdown of cost per participant:

    • 3 participants = $20.00 each for a 1hr class ($100.00 total for the 5 hours)
    • 2 participants = $30.00 each for a 1hr class ($150.00 total for the 5 hours)

I accept cash or debit/credit card payments. Your classes can take place weekly, twice a week, or every other week, depending on the preference of the group.

Except for the first time we all meet, each class may not necessarily be an entire hour. They could be just 40 minutes long, so you may get more than just 5 classes total. In other words, the first class will be a 1-hour session, then you may get 6 more 40-minute classes.

However, if you’re a curious group and want to learn as much as possible then I would encourage you to take advantage of 1-hour classes. I want you to learn the proper form for all the exercises and understand how to put them together to get the most benefit. This is the whole point of personal training…it’s personalized attention so you can work out effectively on your own!

I also always give advice on things like better eating habits and motivational tools to help with eating and exercise goals. I believe there’s more to health than just exercising so I want to pass on as much information as I can to help you succeed!

Refunds and expectations

I will NOT give refunds for missed classes. You all need to commit and put it on your schedules to be there for your group class. This will be a scheduling nightmare for me and your friends if we cancel or refund money every time someone can’t make it for any reason. But I am willing to push a class back later that same day if that’s possible for me and the group in order to help someone out.

Group classes at another location

I would also be happy to come to you and train your small or larger group. If you have a church space,  garage, country club, or outdoor area big enough to spread out in! In this case, the price per session will start at $70, split evenly among each participant*. If there are more than 7 participants the cost will be $10 per person paid in advance with no refunds for missed classes.

Please feel free to email me with questions or to set up a time to visit!

*In order to split the $70 evenly, I will just round up to the nearest dollar amount rather than charge an odd amount of change.