What does it mean to “eat healthy”?

Simple guidelines for how to "eat healthy"We’re right in the middle of the holiday season, about two weeks before Christmas. That means that this is a time of consuming more sugar and other high-calorie and unhealthy foods. So I thought this was a good time to talk about what it means to “eat healthy”.

Before I go on, I want to say that I’m not expecting any of you to want to eat only healthy foods around the holidays, or ever! I know that’s not realistic. But if you can get a general idea of what’s “healthy” and what’s not, then it’s easier to make better choices more often. Continue reading “What does it mean to “eat healthy”?”

Tips for a Healthier Diet. #5 – Accept Meal Prep!

chopped carrotsMy fifth tip to having a healthier diet is to accept meal prep. Meal prep includes choosing weekly recipes, making a grocery list and shopping, chopping food, and taking the time to put the ingredients together to cook a great meal. In other words, eating at home and making the food yourself! And that takes planning, or preparation, to achieve.  Continue reading “Tips for a Healthier Diet. #5 – Accept Meal Prep!”

Tips for a Healthier Diet. #2 – Eat foods without labels!

Eat more natural foods by setting them out where you can see them.If you read my last post then you know the first thing you need to do for a healthier diet is to start reading food labels. Then you’ll know what’s actually in the processed foods you buy. The next step is to eat foods without labels. In other words, natural foods. These foods don’t need labels because they haven’t been altered in any way. The benefit of eating more natural foods is that it gives your body the necessary nutrients it needs to not just survive but to thrive with a stronger immune system. Continue reading “Tips for a Healthier Diet. #2 – Eat foods without labels!”