How to exercise at work (so you can do other things at home!)

sitting at workDesk jobs are not known to be good for our health. Too much sitting combined with a calorie-rich, nutrient-poor diet is making us sicker with each decade. And the number one excuse for not exercising is “not enough time”. We all know we need to move more but how do we do it with such busy lives? Well, we can exercise at work for starters!

Continue reading “How to exercise at work (so you can do other things at home!)”

The importance of stretching

The importance of stretching to help with mobility and injury prevention.In this post, I want to discuss the importance of stretching in an exercise program. Stretching is the component of a program that is most often skipped or taken for granted. It’s also talked about the least so it’s easy to forget. But if you’re not stretching then you won’t have good flexibility which negatively affects your mobility. When your mobility suffers you’ll struggle through daily activities and be more prone to pain and injuries. All things that make life more difficult, and that’s not what we want. Continue reading “The importance of stretching”

Why do cardio for exercise?

walking is a great cardio workout!
Hiking is one long, slow cardio workout that burns fat and gets you out exploring the world!

Cardio, or aerobic activity, is one of the three main types of exercise that we all need in order to be healthy. The other two are strength training and flexibility. But why exactly is cardio so important for exercise? The number one answer is that it helps us to live longer! But there are other important benefits too. Continue reading “Why do cardio for exercise?”

Find your motivation to exercise and don’t let age define you!

Hiking in Utah is great motivation to exercise
A nice view of a long hike we did in Arches Nat’l Park







In September of 2020, my husband and I took a hiking trip to Utah for our 25th anniversary. The main destinations were Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, but we visited lots of other places along the way. It was an amazing trip and taught me a lot about motivation to exercise! So that’s what I want to share with you in this post.  Continue reading “Find your motivation to exercise and don’t let age define you!”