How diet affects mental health

A plant-based diet will affect your mental and physical health in a positive way.When it comes to diet, some people (not all!) can admit that what we eat affects the physical health of our bodies. But there still seem to be many more people that don’t see how our diets can possibly affect our mental health. Yet there is more and more research connecting the two. It’s a two-way street between diet and mental health and I want to show you that you may have more control over how you feel than you think!  Continue reading “How diet affects mental health”

Get beautiful, toned arms with this basic workout.

It only takes a basic workout to get toned arms.

Most women I’ve met want beautiful, toned arms. And I’m here to tell you there’s no secret to getting them. It just takes engaging in a short, basic workout on a regular basis with the help of a few weights or bands. My goal is to make it as simple as possible for you to get those toned arms in the comfort of your own home with very little equipment and time. Continue reading “Get beautiful, toned arms with this basic workout.”

How to lose weight on a plant-based diet.

plate of vegetables for a plant-based dietHow do you lose weight without actually dieting? In my experience, you do it by eating a whole food plant-based diet. Sadly, more than 70% of Americans are now either overweight or obese so weight loss remains a hot topic. I am not a fan of diets! I have never been on one and don’t ever plan to be for any reason. And I don’t believe you need to be either. You can lose weight naturally. Continue reading “How to lose weight on a plant-based diet.”

Tips for a Healthier Diet. #5 – Accept Meal Prep!

chopped carrotsMy fifth tip to having a healthier diet is to accept meal prep. Meal prep includes choosing weekly recipes, making a grocery list and shopping, chopping food, and taking the time to put the ingredients together to cook a great meal. In other words, eating at home and making the food yourself! And that takes planning, or preparation, to achieve.  Continue reading “Tips for a Healthier Diet. #5 – Accept Meal Prep!”