Hiking vs walking: how you can benefit from both.

hiking vs walking; both are good but hiking is a step aboveMoving our bodies is important. And the way we move them is even more important for our long-term health. The more variety we give our bodies, the more we challenge them by using different muscles. And more muscle is what we all need for better health!

I started out as a walker years ago but am now much more of a hiker for several reasons. So today I want to tell you about the differences between hiking vs walking and how you can benefit from both activities. Continue reading “Hiking vs walking: how you can benefit from both.”

Vitamin C and its effects on our immunity

citrus fruit for Vitamin C and immunitySince I just wrote a blog on getting enough nutrients, I thought I needed to expand on why some are particularly important to pay attention to. Vitamin C, or Ascorbic Acid,  is one of them. It has many health benefits but it’s especially important during this time of Covid when our immune systems need a boost.

Vitamin C has many effects on our immunity so getting enough of it is imperative. And according to years of research, it could be used in much larger amounts to benefit us in much bigger ways. Continue reading “Vitamin C and its effects on our immunity”

The many health benefits of meditation

meditation has many health benefitsThere are many health benefits of meditation but it’s one of those topics that can get some pretty good eye rolls from people! I think this is because most people imagine someone sitting cross-legged with their palms up repeating some weird “mantra” over and over.

That’s one way to do it. But it’s not really what I’m talking about when I bring up meditation! There are much more practical and simple versions of meditation that I want to review here. And I think it can really benefit you with your overall health. Continue reading “The many health benefits of meditation”