6 Reasons why you need a personal trainer

You need a personal trainer to educate and motivate you.
Working out with someone else is always easier than going it alone!

When it comes to exercise most people will just go it alone. You know, because it’s so easy! But then when they’re not getting the results they want they get frustrated and give up. This is just one reason why you need a personal trainer. We help to educate, motivate, problem solve, and hold you accountable so you can actually reach your health goals. Continue reading “6 Reasons why you need a personal trainer”

Calcium and Magnesium: How they work together

Almonds are a good source of calcium and magnesium
Almonds are a good source of calcium and magnesium!

Just like getting enough vitamins in our diets we also need minerals to make sure our bodies work right. Calcium is one of the minerals we hear about all the time but we don’t hear as much about magnesium. These two minerals work together and help us in many of the same ways. But if we don’t have enough magnesium the calcium doesn’t do us much good. Continue reading “Calcium and Magnesium: How they work together”

Spending time with “family” to renew relationships

planning activities for a family to enjoy
The five of us getting ready to bike the Heritage Trail.

I believe our health is about much more than just exercise and nutrition. Hopefully, I’m making that clear in my writing! Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Actually, I believe it’s more important. If our mental health isn’t good, then achieving physical health is nearly impossible. Continue reading “Spending time with “family” to renew relationships”

How alcohol affects weight loss

alcohol affects weight loss in many waysSince getting into the business of personal training and health coaching, I’ve observed some common thought patterns. I’ve noticed that most people prefer to control their weight with exercise without changing their diets. But weight loss and maintenance are much easier if you start with your diet.

What we’re consuming is where all our calories are coming from in the first place. Exercise is meant to burn off those calories. So common sense says that if we consume fewer calories we won’t have to work as hard later to get rid of them. And alcohol affects weight loss by adding extra calories to our diets on top of what we’re eating. Continue reading “How alcohol affects weight loss”

The many health benefits of meditation

meditation has many health benefitsThere are many health benefits of meditation but it’s one of those topics that can get some pretty good eye rolls from people! I think this is because most people imagine someone sitting cross-legged with their palms up repeating some weird “mantra” over and over.

That’s one way to do it. But it’s not really what I’m talking about when I bring up meditation! There are much more practical and simple versions of meditation that I want to review here. And I think it can really benefit you with your overall health. Continue reading “The many health benefits of meditation”

Life lessons I learned while hiking

the rewards of hiking

In all of my outdoor adventures, I always learn new lessons. I find that exciting and it keeps me motivated! Hiking is no exception. Sometimes I learn practical things like how to prepare better before heading out. Other times I learn life lessons that give me a new perspective on the world in general. So I want to tell you about some things that occurred to me on our most recent hiking trip! Continue reading “Life lessons I learned while hiking”

Essentials for an inspiring home gym

My essentials for an inspiring home gym

Today I’m giving you my essentials for creating an inspiring home gym that you’ll actually want to work out in. This is important because working out at home is a great way to stay in shape and save time. But you have to have the right space for it if you want it to be motivating. And let’s be honest, we need all the motivation we can get to exercise, right?! Continue reading “Essentials for an inspiring home gym”