In this post, I want to discuss the importance of stretching in an exercise program. Stretching is the component of a program that is most often skipped or taken for granted. It’s also talked about the least so it’s easy to forget. But if you’re not stretching then you won’t have good flexibility which negatively affects your mobility. When your mobility suffers you’ll struggle through daily activities and be more prone to pain and injuries. All things that make life more difficult, and that’s not what we want. Continue reading “The importance of stretching”
5 Benefits of strength training for women
Strength training is a must for women when it comes to weight loss and maintenance. Especially as we’re aging. Yet most older women don’t even think about adding strength training to their exercise routines, if they even exercise at all! This is a big mistake because that “toned” look and higher metabolism we all want comes from having muscle.
Continue reading “5 Benefits of strength training for women”
Body shaming: A different perspective.
Body shaming is the act of negatively judging or humiliating someone based on the shape or size of their physical body. We all know what that means, right? We should never make someone feel bad about being overweight. Well, that’s certainly one part of it but I think it’s a bit short-sighted. Let me explain this a little better.
Why do cardio for exercise?

Cardio, or aerobic activity, is one of the three main types of exercise that we all need in order to be healthy. The other two are strength training and flexibility. But why exactly is cardio so important for exercise? The number one answer is that it helps us to live longer! But there are other important benefits too. Continue reading “Why do cardio for exercise?”
You need a mental health day!
What do I mean by a mental health day? I’m talking about a day for de-stressing, relaxing, and forgetting your usual worries. I’m not talking about calling in sick to work because you just can’t deal with whatever is going on there. Mental health days are ones that should be regularly planned so you don’t feel the need to call in sick to work!
Tips to make exercise a habit for good.

I am proud to be a regular exerciser, but it didn’t happen overnight. In fact, it took me years to get into the habit of being consistent with it even though I was always active. But one of the first things I realized about exercising was that if I waited to feel like it, it just wasn’t going to happen! So how did I get past that hurdle, and others, to make exercise a habit for good? Continue reading “Tips to make exercise a habit for good.”
The woman I want to be
Just last week, while on vacation, I met the woman I want to be in 30 years. My husband and I were on a snowmobiling trip in Wyoming staying in a great little B&B. The woman that runs it is 80 years old and thriving, having just finished cancer treatments earlier this year. Her name is Linn, and she is my inspiration.
Tips for a Healthier Diet. #6 – GBOMBS.
GBOMBS is an acronym coined by Dr. Joel Fuhrman to help us easily remember what to eat every day to improve our health. It stands for greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds. So if you’re confused about how to have a healthier diet and maintain a healthy weight, then just remember GBOMBS! Continue reading “Tips for a Healthier Diet. #6 – GBOMBS.”
Tips for a Healthier Diet. #5 – Accept Meal Prep!
My fifth tip to having a healthier diet is to accept meal prep. Meal prep includes choosing weekly recipes, making a grocery list and shopping, chopping food, and taking the time to put the ingredients together to cook a great meal. In other words, eating at home and making the food yourself! And that takes planning, or preparation, to achieve. Continue reading “Tips for a Healthier Diet. #5 – Accept Meal Prep!”
Tips for a healthier diet. #4 – Make homemade snacks
A fourth way to adopt a healthier diet is to make your own homemade snacks. Why? Because we practically live on snacks! Ok, maybe it’s not quite that bad. But statistics do show that adults are now getting nearly one-quarter of their daily calories from snack foods. I’m labeling a “snack” as anything we eat in-between meals along with the treats at the end of meals. Continue reading “Tips for a healthier diet. #4 – Make homemade snacks”