Vitamin C and its effects on our immunity

citrus fruit for Vitamin C and immunitySince I just wrote a blog on getting enough nutrients, I thought I needed to expand on why some are particularly important to pay attention to. Vitamin C, or Ascorbic Acid,  is one of them. It has many health benefits but it’s especially important during this time of Covid when our immune systems need a boost.

Vitamin C has many effects on our immunity so getting enough of it is imperative. And according to years of research, it could be used in much larger amounts to benefit us in much bigger ways. Continue reading “Vitamin C and its effects on our immunity”

Are you getting enough nutrients for good health?

Getting enough nutrients from our diets is imperative for good healthIf you’ve read my About Me page on this website you may already know why I got into this business of fitness and health in the first place. For those of you who didn’t, let me recap. Since my mother died of cancer in 2010, I started researching everything I could about cancer and how to prevent it.

From that education, I learned that the best way to “fix” my health and prevent illness was to focus on natural living. That includes eating a more natural diet, moving more, and getting outside as much as possible. When we do these things we naturally get what we need for better health. I wanted to share that information with others so they could benefit too. Continue reading “Are you getting enough nutrients for good health?”

How alcohol affects weight loss

alcohol affects weight loss in many waysSince getting into the business of personal training and health coaching, I’ve observed some common thought patterns. I’ve noticed that most people prefer to control their weight with exercise without changing their diets. But weight loss and maintenance are much easier if you start with your diet.

What we’re consuming is where all our calories are coming from in the first place. Exercise is meant to burn off those calories. So common sense says that if we consume fewer calories we won’t have to work as hard later to get rid of them. And alcohol affects weight loss by adding extra calories to our diets on top of what we’re eating. Continue reading “How alcohol affects weight loss”

Can you lose weight with exercise alone?

exercise accessories for working out and losing weightGood question! As a personal trainer and health coach, I specialize in working with women over 40. Like me! And so far they’ve all come to me because they want to lose weight with exercise. This isn’t surprising considering the fact that over 73% of Americans are now overweight or obese. But how hard is it to lose weight with exercise alone? Let me tell you about that. Continue reading “Can you lose weight with exercise alone?”

How to lose weight on a plant-based diet.

plate of vegetables for a plant-based dietHow do you lose weight without actually dieting? In my experience, you do it by eating a whole food plant-based diet. Sadly, more than 70% of Americans are now either overweight or obese so weight loss remains a hot topic. I am not a fan of diets! I have never been on one and don’t ever plan to be for any reason. And I don’t believe you need to be either. You can lose weight naturally. Continue reading “How to lose weight on a plant-based diet.”

Tips for a Healthier Diet. #5 – Accept Meal Prep!

chopped carrotsMy fifth tip to having a healthier diet is to accept meal prep. Meal prep includes choosing weekly recipes, making a grocery list and shopping, chopping food, and taking the time to put the ingredients together to cook a great meal. In other words, eating at home and making the food yourself! And that takes planning, or preparation, to achieve.  Continue reading “Tips for a Healthier Diet. #5 – Accept Meal Prep!”