What do I mean by a mental health day? I’m talking about a day for de-stressing, relaxing, and forgetting your usual worries. I’m not talking about calling in sick to work because you just can’t deal with whatever is going on there. Mental health days are ones that should be regularly planned so you don’t feel the need to call in sick to work!
The woman I want to be
Just last week, while on vacation, I met the woman I want to be in 30 years. My husband and I were on a snowmobiling trip in Wyoming staying in a great little B&B. The woman that runs it is 80 years old and thriving, having just finished cancer treatments earlier this year. Her name is Linn, and she is my inspiration.
Dying to Be Me – a book review
Ever wish you could go to heaven just long enough to check it out and get some questions answered but then return to your life on earth? Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen until we die. However, some lucky people do die briefly but get the chance to come back. Then the rest of us have the opportunity to learn from their experiences and use that information to live our own lives better. Continue reading “Dying to Be Me – a book review”
Worried about Covid-19?
Since the Covid-19 pandemic started I’ve been bothered by it. But not in the way you might think. What bothers me is that people are so worried about Covid-19 but NOT nearly as worried about the handful of diseases that have been killing most Americans yearly for decades. Continue reading “Worried about Covid-19?”
Positive Intelligence – book review
Not long ago I came across the book Positive Intelligence in a second-hand store and snatched it up to see what I could learn from it. One of my first loves in education was the study of psychology and in today’s world, I find it even more fascinating! It turned out to be a great book on how our thought patterns hold us back in life (duh!). But it also does a great job of explaining what we can do about it! Continue reading “Positive Intelligence – book review”
Find your motivation to exercise and don’t let age define you!
In September of 2020, my husband and I took a hiking trip to Utah for our 25th anniversary. The main destinations were Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, but we visited lots of other places along the way. It was an amazing trip and taught me a lot about motivation to exercise! So that’s what I want to share with you in this post. Continue reading “Find your motivation to exercise and don’t let age define you!”
7 Tips on how to enjoy exercise and stick with it!
When it comes to exercise I hear people say all the time that they just can’t seem to make it a habit. But why is it that some people can while others “can’t”? I wasn’t always a regular exerciser but I became one. And I think the key to sticking with it is to learn how to actually enjoy exercise. Continue reading “7 Tips on how to enjoy exercise and stick with it!”